Andy Juvinall
Youth Ministry Director
I was raised in a Christian home with three younger brothers. I specifically remember my mom reading Bible stories and praying for us before school every morning along with watching my dad study his Bible most evenings before bed. I gave my life to Christ and was baptized at age ten but my faith truly became my own after a friend invited me to youth group in high school. While studying to become a teacher in college, I felt God’s calling to be a spiritual leader for students during the Columbine High School tragedy. I have been serving in youth ministry since 2002 and especially love the craziness and life-changing impact of Jr. High ministry. I am passionate about leading students, volunteers, and families as they discover the many ways that God calls us to love Him and people in our world.
I graduated with a B.S. from Western Illinois University and currently working toward a Master’s of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary